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List of all Mutual Funds Categories

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Equity Mutual Funds  

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6851f535-35ad-4ddf-b392-e14e7e9e6754.webp LARGE-CAP

Large-cap funds generally make investments in reputable, sizable businesses. These funds give investors security and stability by concentrating on businesses with a solid reputation and presence in the market. They are a good option for cautious investors looking for small but consistent profits.  


Investing in medium-sized company equities is the primary objective of mid-cap funds. These funds are a well-liked option for investors looking for modest returns since they strike a balance between risk and possible growth.  

e468cc2a-6659-4152-8f7c-adad497f2d46.webp SMALL-CAP

Small-cap mutual funds make investments in smaller businesses, usually those with market capitalizations in the bottom 250. Because of their volatility, they carry a large risk even though they promise potentially high returns. Aggressive investors looking for high-growth prospects may consider these ETFs.  


Multi-cap funds are a type of diversified investment that distributes capital among different firm sizes, ranging from tiny to large. They provide flexibility and seek to maximise profits by adjusting to shifting market dynamics.  


Mutual funds known as Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) provide tax advantages under Section 80C and mostly invest in stocks. They have a three-year lock-in period and are appropriate for risk-takers looking for ways to save money on taxes and prepared to invest in stocks.  

d91776b6-2d4c-4a4c-b15d-5bb8a27a2654.webpVALUE FUNDS

Value funds concentrate on purchasing undervalued companies, which are thought to be underpriced relative to their actual value. The objective is to profit from future increases in stock prices. These funds seek to provide investors with stability and long-term growth.  

d30b4843-c95b-4aed-833f-8dca10ee4477.webpFOCUSED FUND

Equity mutual funds known as "focused funds" make investments in a small portfolio of up to 30 stocks. These funds choose a small number of high-potential investments, irrespective of market capitalization or industry, with the goal of generating large returns. It's a high-risk investment because of this.  

e5c879fe-4a81-416e-9440-655f51a9bbec.webpPASSIVE ELSS

India offers tax-saving investment opportunities through passive ELSS funds. The objective of these funds is to imitate the performance of stock market indices, such as the Nifty 50. They are managed passively and provide tax advantages.  

15d0bb0b-d955-4928-8640-6c7bfc39dd19.webpFLEXI CAP

Flexi cap funds provide investors with the ability to invest in large, mid, and small-size equities, allowing them to adjust to shifting market conditions. Because of their diversity, which seeks to strike a balance between risk and return, they are superior choices for investors looking for a well-rounded portfolio.  

963fab19-5475-4437-9f8b-9143e3dd2744.webpLARGE &MIDCAP

Major and medium-cap stocks are the investments of major mid-cap funds. These funds provide a well-rounded strategy by diversifying across numerous businesses with the goal of growth and stability.

2d9c85ec-d169-4c48-84e2-b0031138620f.webpDIVIDEND YIELD

Mutual funds that focus on dividend-paying firms provide stability and a modest level of risk. For income-focused investors looking for consistent returns and possible capital growth, these funds are appropriate.  


2c957706-c917-4850-8b41-6e11135725f5.webpSECTOR FUND

Mutual funds known as "sector funds" concentrate their investments in particular sectors, such as healthcare or technology. Their goal is to seize expansion in that specific industry. The performance and hazards of the selected industry are presented to investors.  

5e9cde61-c20b-4232-9029-b3f7e7650831.webpCONTRA FUND

Contra funds are a distinct category of mutual funds. They wager against the current market trends in an attempt to outperform them. To possibly increase returns, they put their money into assets that are currently underperforming or in decline.  


Hybrid Mutual Funds

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Profiting from price variations in different marketplaces is the goal of arbitrage funds. In order to profit from these swings, they use the discrepancies between asset prices at the time of purchase and sale.  


5513d285-1e92-4610-9eea-0318657258c9.webp          EQUITY SAVING

The goal of equity savings funds is to maximise capital growth while limiting risk by combining equity, debt, and arbitrage techniques. They provide a diversified method of producing returns, which frequently appeals to investors looking for slower volatility and modest growth.  


d5da7adf-4248-478b-9b48-109f6ab526ee.webpAGGRESSIVE FUND

Mutual funds that are aggressive are high-risk, high-reward ventures. By mostly purchasing stocks of quickly expanding businesses, they hope to generate substantial returns. Higher risk-tolerant investors would benefit from these funds.  


Conservative hybrid funds make both bond and equity investments. They are made for cautious investors who want to take a well-rounded strategy. These funds diversify into lower-risk assets like bonds and have some exposure to stocks in an effort to offer stability and modest growth.  


6621d27a-78f0-4bc3-bd2f-100388252c07.webp          MULTI ASSET

Investments in a variety of assets, including stocks, bonds, and more, are distributed by multi-asset allocation funds. Their objective is to combine several kinds of investments in order to balance risk and profit. These funds offer flexibility, seek to optimise returns, and efficiently manage risk.  


7547b7a7-e35d-4458-97a4-3fb5140b6625.webpDYNAMIC OR BALANCED FUND

Dynamic Asset Allocation Funds react to shifting market conditions by modifying the mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets in their portfolio. By actively reallocating assets, these funds seek to maximise returns and limit risks, providing investors looking for a flexible and well-balanced approach with flexibility.  



Debt Mutual Funds  


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786b631a-8f42-4a92-b24e-26ac345b1567.webp      LIQUID FUND

Treasury bills, government bonds, and other assets are investments made by liquid, short-term debt funds. These can mature for up to ninety-one days. These funds are a good option for emergency savings or parking excess funds because of their high liquidity.  

9d3c3708-c29f-443e-a4fd-453f880e3d2c.webp  MEDIUM DURATION FUND

Generally speaking, medium-duration funds make investments in fixed-income assets with an average maturity term of three to four years. Unlike longer-term options, these seek to provide moderate returns with less susceptibility to interest rates.  

490fc73b-8b96-4316-8468-bea5d29c8f2c.webp  SHORT DURATION FUND

Short-duration funds provide stability and modest returns for investors with a short investment horizon by investing in short-term debt instruments such as certificates of deposit, commercial paper, and treasury bills. Investors looking for stability and modest returns may want to examine these.  


3d03fd63-87e2-44d0-bb92-62898ac21a54.webpFLOATER FUND

Floater funds make investments in financial securities with variable rates that fluctuate in tandem with the RBI repo rates. They are appropriate for risk-averse investors looking for higher returns than fixed-income choices since they offer a moderate level of risk. These funds may be a safer option than equities funds since they are less susceptible to swings in interest rates and credit risk.  


4d432a72-9dab-432e-89a6-746a8df62a4d.webpOVERNIGHT FUNDS

Overnight funds are open-ended, low-risk mutual funds that make investments in short-term securities. For a single business day, these funds generate returns through lending to institutions. These provide great liquidity, low risk, and rapid rewards. These work well for short-term fund parking and investing schedules.  

80c5fecd-011a-42ac-87f3-b719c234bfdc.webpMONEY MARKET FUNDS

Money market funds are short-term debt funds that make investments in low-risk, highly liquid securities. For those who are risk averse and want stability, these are appropriate. They mostly invest in commercial papers, treasury bills, and other securities. Capital gains and dividends are subject to different taxes.  


7425da6e-8df5-4f06-9f46-0a22c8379c59.webpCORPORATE FUND

The majority of investments made by corporate bond funds are in highly rated corporate bonds. Income-seeking investors can choose them since they provide consistent interest payments and a principal return at maturity. The creditworthiness of the businesses these funds invest in determines how risky they are.  


42d5dc46-89a7-4856-b282-5d82ec259195.webpCREDIT RISK FUND

Credit risk funds invest in lower-rated debt securities with the goal of generating larger returns. There is some risk associated with these funds because they are susceptible to interest payment delays or defaults.  


ea3d86f3-9073-46d1-af5e-a18de6172234.webpDYNAMIC FUND

Dynamic bond funds make investments in a variety of fixed-income assets, such as corporate and government bonds. The fund management can change the duration and asset allocation of their portfolio in response to shifting market conditions.  



Solution Oriented Funds 

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914d393d-a81c-4edc-a07e-218c555816e4.webpRETIREMENT FUND

The purpose of retirement funds is to assist people in saving for their retirement. They usually make investments in a variety of fixed-income and stock instruments, providing a balance between stability and growth. These funds offer a disciplined approach to long-term saving and have a lock-in period of five years or until retirement. 

fc3e579a-ce94-4f69-83a3-b040e8adf705.webpCHILDREN FUND

Open-ended programs called Children's Funds are intended to assist parents and guardians in setting aside and growing funds for their kids' future expenses, such as schooling. When the children grow up, these money can give them a financial advantage. 


John Smith

Miss, this here ought to be.

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